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how to find the largest sequence in the given string.Can u find where i have gone wrong in the below code?

–2 votes
asked Jul 5, 2019 by Harika (160 points)


int main ()


  char str[100], sub[50], *p, temp[50];

  int i, len;

  setbuf (stdout, NULL);

  printf ("Give a Sequence:");

  gets (str);

  printf ("The Sequence u want:");

  gets (sub);

  len = strlen (sub);



      p = strstr (str, sub);

      if (p == '\0')



  strncpy (temp,sub,len);

  strcpy (sub, temp);



  while (p == '\0');

  printf ("The biggest sequence is:");

  puts (sub);


sample output:

Give a Sequence:dftfhglhjuhjh

The Sequence u want:hjhhh

The biggest sequence is:hjh

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 8, 2019 by Loki (1,600 points)
selected Aug 10, 2019 by Harika
Best answer
I have corrected the code:


int main ()
  char str[100], sub[50], *p;
  int i, len;
  setbuf(stdout, NULL);
  printf("Give a Sequence:");
  printf("The Sequence u want:");
  len = strlen(sub);
      p = strstr (str, sub);
      if (p==0)
          char temp[50]={0};     // declare and initialze in loop
          strncpy (temp,sub,--len);
          strcpy (sub, temp);
  printf ("The biggest sequence is:");

The temp[50] you are using must be cleared every time the loop runs and use p==0 instead of p=='\0' as it causes segmentation fault
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