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python question

+11 votes
asked Aug 6, 2020 by 조강민 (190 points)
i = input("What's the value of 2+3?\n")

if i == 5:

why this code doesn't work correctly?

13 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 28, 2020 by Mudasir Momand (230 points)
It should look like: i  = int(input("User input: "))

since you are asking for an integer, then 'user input' should be set as int. Your if statement is looking for a int value, not a string value, for just a quick fix you could do: if i == "5" as you can see I have strung the num value to a string value. This should now equal string to string.
0 votes
answered Aug 31, 2020 by saptarshibasu15 (140 points)

i = input("What's the value of 2+3?\n")

if int (i) == 5:

*the input function returns a string..and we cannot compare it an integer directly without converting it into an int.​

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2020 by Roshan (180 points)
Because, a string '5' is stored in i not an int. So, its comparing int with str, which results in failure of this program.


if int(i) == 5:
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