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which header file should i use to execute drawPixel() function in c++ ?

0 votes
asked Dec 11, 2017 by Fareeha Shakil (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2017 by Eduardo Yánez (240 points)
edited Dec 30, 2017 by Eduardo Yánez
Your question makes me think that you believe that C++ has a graphics library coming "out of the box" with the compiler, no, that is not true, currently the C++ standard does not include any graphics library, you must use an external library, such as Qt, Gtk, wxWidgets, OpenGL or the native library your Operating System offer.
commented Mar 8, 2019 by KB1 (160 points)
How do you set up GDB to be able to utilize external libs such as OpenGL?
What is the best way to get OpenGL downloaded to my local machine so that GBD can access it?
Is it possible to use an online (virtual?) copy of OpenGl much like the online GBD?

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