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Why doesn't the code run everything?

+1 vote
asked Jun 15, 2021 by Tamara Benjamin (130 points)
The code is for a hangman game but only displays hangman and stops.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <ctype.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <string.h>

char guessWord();

int isAlreadyGuessed(char);

int setBlanks(char);

int checkIfWon();

void printBoard();

void pickword();

void reset();

int playAgain();

int isInWord(char, char*);

char* secret = NULL;

char* blanks = NULL;

char* guessingBank = NULL;

int position;

int length;

char* board[] = {"  O", "  O\n  |", "  O\n /|", "  O\n /|\\", "  O\n /|\\\n /", "  O\n /|\\\n / \\",};

int main(int argc, char** argv) {


do {


while(position < 6) {


char guess = guessWord();

if(isAlreadyGuessed(guess)) continue;

else if(setBlanks(guess)) {

if(checkIfWon()) break;

} else {




if(position >= 6) printf("You lost the word was %s\n", secret);

} while(playAgain());




return 0;


void reset() {

position = 0;



void printBoard() {


printf("\n%s:\n", blanks);


char guessWord() {

puts("Enter a letter\n");

char c = getchar();

if(getchar() != '\n') {

puts("Please enter only 1 letter next time\n");

while(getchar() != '\n');

} else if(isalpha(c)) return tolower(c);

return guessWord();


int isAlreadyGuessed(char guess) {

if(isInWord(guess, guessingBank)) {

puts("You already guessed that letter\n");

return 1;

} return 0;


int setBlanks(char guess) {

int boolean = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {

if(secret[i] == guess) {

blanks[i] = guess;

boolean = 1;



return boolean;


int playAgain() {

puts("Enter y to play again\n");

char c = getchar();

while(getchar() != '\n');

return tolower(c) == 'y';


int checkIfWon() {

if(strcmp(secret, blanks) == 0) {

printf("You got it man! it was %s\n", secret);

return 1;

} return 0;


int isInWord(char guess, char* word) {

for(int i = 0; i < position; ++i) {

if(word[i] == guess) return 1;

} return 0;


void pickword() {

FILE* file;

int lines = 0;

char c = 0;

file = fopen("words.txt", "r");

while((c=getc(file)) != EOF) if(c == '\n') ++lines;

fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);


int randomLine = 1 + rand() % lines;

int seekWhere = 0;

int characters = 0;

lines = 0;

c = 0;

while(lines < randomLine && (c=getc(file)) != EOF) {

if(lines+1 == randomLine) {


} else {



if(c == '\n') ++lines;



length = characters;

if(secret == NULL && blanks == NULL && guessingBank == NULL) {

secret = (char*) malloc(characters+1);

blanks = (char*) malloc(characters+1);

guessingBank = (char*) malloc(7);

} else {

secret = realloc(secret, characters+1);

blanks = realloc(blanks, characters+1);


secret[characters] = '\0';

blanks[characters] = '\0';

guessingBank[6] = '\0';

fseek(file, seekWhere, SEEK_SET);

fread(secret, 1, characters, file);

for(int i = 0; i < characters; ++i) {

blanks[i] = '-';


for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {

guessingBank[i] = ' ';




1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 3, 2021 by xDELLx (10,500 points)
file = fopen("words.txt", "r");

while((c=getc(file)) != EOF) if(c == '\n') ++lines;

words.txt, if this file is missing in your current directory [home directory] the program crashes & will just print a single line u see..

correct it by checking we are able to successfully find & open the words.txt file.

something like below

    file = fopen("words.txt", "r");
   if (!file) {printf("Where is the words.txt?? \nCouldnt find it !!\nWill play only if you find it for me :) \n;"); exit(1);}
  while((c=getc(file)) != EOF) if(c == '\n') ++lines;

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