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TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' ?!!

0 votes
asked Jul 4, 2021 by fairbird (120 points)

How to solve it this code with python3 ?!!


def XorBase64Strings(s1, s2):
    s1 = b64decode(s1)
    s2 = b64decode(s2)
    while len(s2) < len(s1):
        s2 += s2

    out = ''
    for index in range(len(s1)):
        out += chr(s1[index] ^ s2[index])

    return b64encode(out)

Linuxo = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(Dicto, b64encode(schlssl)))
txtcrypt = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(crypttxt, b64encode(schlssl)))
crypttxt1 = 'W0ZCRQ4JHkdDXFxCUFEfSlVAGkpUXFFcQB1cU0EbYmN2d38MAwkfRFxGR11WX39kG0RLRg=='
txtcrypt1 = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(crypttxt1, b64encode(schlssl)))
Distcrypt = 'HEdFRxtKWFEZV1tYXl1TCxtETU1ZX1kaYF9HUVxaVR52TkZQX0pZXVdHG2Bsf3lkfHFgc2JlWFNWWlhBGlJRX11KUQ=='
cryptDist = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(Distcrypt, b64encode(schlssl)))

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 2, 2022 by xDELLx (10,500 points)
def XorBase64Strings(s1, s2):
    s1 = b64decode(s1)
    s2 = b64decode(s2)
    while len(s2) < len(s1):
        s2 += s2

    out = ''
    for index in range(len(s1)):
        out += chr(ord(s1[index]) ^ ord(s2[index]))

    return b64encode(out)

def b64encode(inp):
    return inp

def b64decode(inp):
    return inp

Linuxo = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(Dicto, b64encode(schlssl)))
txtcrypt = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(crypttxt, b64encode(schlssl)))
crypttxt1 = 'W0ZCRQ4JHkdDXFxCUFEfSlVAGkpUXFFcQB1cU0EbYmN2d38MAwkfRFxGR11WX39kG0RLRg=='
txtcrypt1 = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(crypttxt1, b64encode(schlssl)))
Distcrypt = 'HEdFRxtKWFEZV1tYXl1TCxtETU1ZX1kaYF9HUVxaVR52TkZQX0pZXVdHG2Bsf3lkfHFgc2JlWFNWWlhBGlJRX11KUQ=='
cryptDist = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(Distcrypt, b64encode(schlssl)))

Text in RED, i have made liberal assumptions

Text in Green solves the error .

FYI, error i got below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/cc.py", line 22, in <module>
    Linuxo = b64decode(XorBase64Strings(Dicto, b64encode(schlssl)))
  File "/tmp/cc.py", line 12, in XorBase64Strings
    out += chr((s1[index]) ^ (s2[index]))
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for ^: 'str' and 'str'

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