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how to program in c language (structured data)

+7 votes
asked Jul 13, 2021 by paulo magalhaes (1,480 points)
John is working in a mine, trying to get as much of the diamonds as he can "<>". It must exclude all sand particles "." process and with each diamond removal, new diamonds may be formed. If it has as an input .<...<<..>>....>....>>>., three diamonds are formed. The first is taken from <..>, resulting in .<...<>....>....>>>. Then the second diamond is removed, leaving .<.........>....>>>. The third diamond is then removed, remaining at the end .....>>>., without the possibility of extracting a new diamond.

An integer value N representing the number of test cases must be read. Each line below is a test case containing up to 1000 characters, including "<,>, ."

You must print the amount of diamonds possible to be extracted in each input case.

Input Example Output Example





1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,600 points)
edited Jul 15, 2021 by Peter Minarik
This is actually a very easy one.

You really have to give it a try on your own first.

Start checking if from the input you receive an opening diamond (<), then listen for closing diamonds (>).

Keep a tab on how many opening - closing pairs there are and that's the answer.

As you can see, the logic is easy. Go ahead, try to do an implementation. It shouldn't take more than 20-30 lines of code.

When you have some code and you really cannot continue forward, share what you have that far. (I mean the minimum is that you have a main, have the input, iterate through the individual characters and check if they are opening/closing diamonds.)

Note: If you have never ever written a C program in your life, you should check out some tutorials  first (e.g. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/index.htm).

Good luck!
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