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what is the meaning #include<stdio.h>\

+13 votes
asked Oct 30, 2021 by Harsh Raj (230 points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
answered Oct 30, 2021 by Kruthik (260 points)
Stdio. h is a header file which has the necessary information to include the input/output related functions in our program. Stdio. h  in short to understand"standard input/output headerfile" Example: input:scanf, output:printf, so we should include a source file as stdio. H
+3 votes
answered Oct 31, 2021 by Jeshurun (210 points)

#include<stdio.h>: Let's Break This Expression:-

stdio.h simply is the 'abbreviation' for "Standard-Input-Output-Header" and it's a file that contains all the function prototypes and definitions(which is the specific task that the function performs when it is called).

#include is a directive that tells the preprocessor (translator) to literally include all the content of the files in the source code(the program you write in an HIGH LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE).

Hope It's Clear.

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2021 by arshu (150 points)
its a header file
0 votes
answered Nov 6, 2021 by Miniclip magic (140 points)
thats a header file #include ans stdio.h is a library file stdio full form is stranderd input outout
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