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Why is there 2 "0"s on my output in "Tuition Fee Discount"?

+1 vote
asked Nov 18, 2021 by Lexus Guevara (1,010 points)
int main()
    float Grades;
    char Average;
    int Tuition;
//Formula for the Grades
    Grades = ( 90.00 + 87.00 + 99.00 + 75.00 + 77.00 + 80.00 + 100.00 + 94.00 + 83.00 ) / 9;
    printf("Intro to Computing                :     90\n");
    printf("Fundamentals of Programming       :     87\n");
    printf("Business Application Software     :     99\n");
    printf("Understanding the Self            :     75\n");
    printf("Purposive Communication           :     77\n");
    printf("Mathematics in the Modern World   :     80\n");
    printf("Physical Fitness and Wellness     :     100\n");
    printf("Reading in the Philippine History :     94\n");
    printf("NSTP1                             :     83\n");
    printf("General Weighted Average          :     %.2f\n", Grades);
//Scholarship Grant       
    printf("Scholarship Grant                 :     %c", Average);
    if (Grades <= 100 && Grades >= 98) {
        printf("President's List");
    else if (Grades <= 97 && Grades >= 95) {
        printf("College Scholar");
    else if (Grades <= 94 && Grades >= 92) {
        printf("Dean's List");
    else {
//Tuition Fee Discount  
    printf("\nTuition Fee Discount              :     %d", Tuition);
    if (Grades <= 100 && Grades >= 98) {
    else if (Grades <= 97 && Grades >= 95) {
    else if (Grades <= 94 && Grades >= 92) {
    else {
    return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 18, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,720 points)

To have 0% printed on the output, your code must have ended up here:

    else {

You can easily verify this by printing out the value of Grades:

printf("Grades: %f\n", Grades);

You can see the value of Grades is 87.222221, hence your code does what it does.

Also, I think your code doesn't really work the way you'd like it to.

    if (Grades <= 100 && Grades >= 98) {
    else if (Grades <= 97 && Grades >= 95) {
    else if (Grades <= 94 && Grades >= 92) {
    else {

What happens for instance if Grades = 97.7?  Well, it ends up printing 0.

I have a feeling what you really want would be better described by this piece of code:

    float discount = 0.0f;
    if (Grades <= 100.0f)
        if (Grades >= 98.0f)
            discount = 100.0f;
        else if (Grades >= 95.0f)
            discount = 50.0f;
        else if (Grades >= 92.0f)
            discount = 30.0f;
    printf("%.2f%%", discount);

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