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Change a variable using debug mid running

+2 votes
asked Jan 28, 2022 by wasp000789 (140 points)
How do I make so while the code is running, it may for e.g. ask me in the debug to write a var "num" and it will change to what I typed in mid the code running?
Or for e.g. will ask something and I can choose either that will be "true" or "false"?
Thank you in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2022 by Peter Minarik (87,340 points)

What language are we talking about?

I pretty much doubt that you want to change the value of a variable while debugging (GDB), rather you would like to take input from the user. Is that right?

In C, basic user input would look something like this.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char name[50];
    printf("What's your first name? ");
    scanf("%s", name);
    printf("Hello, %s!", name);
    return 0;

Check printf() out for more details.

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