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How do I open a file called Random.txt that i put in my files? I am using Chromebook.

+1 vote
asked Feb 24, 2022 by Joshua Elias (270 points)
Is there a way to open this file I have in my files with a Chromebook? And if so, how do I read the numbers inside this file to use for later equations.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 24, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,740 points)

What language are we talking about? You want to programmatically open a file and read content from it right?

I've made a small example for you in C++. Please, check out the sample project. You can fork from it and edit it to your liking.

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2022 by userdotexe (1,340 points)

Since you have a Chromebook, wouldn't you just go into the Files app, find the file Random.txt and double click it?

If you did this, the Chrome browser should open a new tab with the entirety of the file's content on the screen.


0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2022 by Dakota Bell (210 points)

To upload a file into the OnlineGDB editor, look to the left of the green "run" button used to run your program. Select the image of the arrow pointing to the cloud-- this is the "Upload file" button. You can also hover over it for a tooltip to appear.

Reading the numbers from the file into a program varies between each language, so we need to know what language you are using: common languages are python, java, c, c++, etc... 

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