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Can you help me figure our why I am getting Fatal error ";" expected but Else found at line 34? Please and thanks.

0 votes
asked May 9, 2022 by Neesha Gangar (120 points)
SBA 2022 - Car Show}

program CarShow;

Var CarModel:string;
CarCounter1, CarCounter2, CarCounter3:integer;
RentalFee, TotalRentalFee1, TotalRentalFee2, TotalRentalFee3:real;

Const RentalFee1 = 1500;
RentalFee2 = 2000;
RentalFee3 = 2500;

CarCounter1:= 0;
CarCounter2:= 0;
CarCounter3:= 0;
TotalRentalFee1:= 0;
TotalRentalFee2:= 0;
TotalRentalFee3:= 0;
RentalFee:= 0;

writeln ('Please enter the model of car.');
readln (CarModel);

If (CarModel='Kia Celtos')
     then Begin RentalFee:= RentalFee1;
CarCounter1:= CarCounter1+1;
TotalRentalFee1:= TotalRentalFee1+RentalFee; End Else Begin
If (CarModel='Kia Sonet')
     then RentalFee:= RentalFee2;
CarCounter2:= CarCounter2+1;
TotalRentalFee2:= TotalRentalFee2+RentalFee; End Else Begin
If (CarModel='Kia Forte')
     then RentalFee:= RentalFee3;
CarCounter3:= CarCounter3+1;
TotalRentalFee3:= TotalRentalFee3+RentalFee; End Else Begin
Writeln ('Sorry incorrect entry') end.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 11, 2022 by Ema Srbinovska (140 points)
you probably need to add a ; at the end of the sentence of line 34
0 votes
answered May 11, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)

You should get your code formatting and indentation right so you'd see what line of code belongs where. This way you could easier match the Begins and Ends, etc.

I've fixed up the code for you:

program CarShow;

    CarModel : string;
    CarCounter1, CarCounter2, CarCounter3 : integer;
    RentalFee, TotalRentalFee1, TotalRentalFee2, TotalRentalFee3 : real;

    RentalFee1 = 1500;
    RentalFee2 = 2000;
    RentalFee3 = 2500;

    CarCounter1 := 0;
    CarCounter2 := 0;
    CarCounter3 := 0;
    TotalRentalFee1 := 0;
    TotalRentalFee2 := 0;
    TotalRentalFee3 := 0;
    RentalFee := 0;
    writeln ('Please enter the model of car.');
    readln (CarModel);
    If (CarModel = 'Kia Celtos') Then
        RentalFee := RentalFee1;
        CarCounter1 := CarCounter1 + 1;
        TotalRentalFee1 := TotalRentalFee1+RentalFee;
    Else If (CarModel = 'Kia Sonet') Then
        RentalFee := RentalFee2;
        CarCounter2 := CarCounter2 + 1;
        TotalRentalFee2 := TotalRentalFee2 + RentalFee;
    Else If (CarModel = 'Kia Forte') Then
        RentalFee := RentalFee3;
        CarCounter3 := CarCounter3 + 1;
        TotalRentalFee3 := TotalRentalFee3+RentalFee;
        Writeln ('Sorry incorrect entry')
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