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Are you 1 of the geniuses?, ok come up with an application coded in C that has the following functions:

+2 votes
asked Apr 15, 2018 by Ronald P Takundwa (140 points)

• Application should prompt the user for their login credentials or pin-code

  •  After logging in, the application should display a menu giving the user some options to choose   from.  include these features:

  • Doing basic calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication etc.
  • Calculate the roots of a quadratic equation, areas of basic shapes like triangle, rectangle, circle etc.
  • Checking if a number is positive or negative, odd or even, prime or not
  • Finding the factorial of a user entered number, finding the average of say 3 or so user entered numbers, finding the largest amongst these three numbers and so forth.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 18, 2018 by anonymous
I ain't doing your homework, kiddo.
commented Apr 20, 2018 by Myer Cheng (100 points)
Well, I guess that's true
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