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I am trying to read the strings from the text file, but It's not working. Where am I wrong?

+2 votes
asked Sep 15, 2022 by Nirali Patel (750 points)
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include  <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char user_input;
    string str;
    fstream newfile;

    //checks if the user wants to enter a string
    cout<<"Do you want to enter a string?"<<endl;
    //if the user enters n, the program terminates
    if(user_input == 'n')
        cout<<"Your done"<<endl;
    //if the user enters y, it asks to enter a string over the alphabet
    if(user_input == 'y')
        cout<<"Please enter a sting over a alphabet:"<<endl;
        //opens the file to read the string
        newfile.open("in.txt", ios::in);
        //checks whether file is open
        if (newfile. is_open())
            string str;
            //reads data from file object and puts it into string
            while (getline(newfile, str))
                //prints the data of the string
                cout<< str << "\n";
            //closes the file object

    return 0;

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2022 by xDELLx (10,520 points)
        newfile.open("in.txt", ios::in);

The above line can be modified to use the absolute path(instead of the relative path,right now).

eg newfile.open("./in.txt", ios::in); or newfile.open("/home/user/check/in.txt", ios::in);

Or you can place the in.txt file in same directory as the binary.

Or make sure the file in.txt exists !!

for reference:https://onlinegdb.com/PQ86gLPO8

0 votes
answered Sep 16, 2022 by Vedant Hiwarde Patil (150 points)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include  <string>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char user_input;
    string str;
    fstream newfile;

    //checks if the user wants to enter a string
    cout<<"Do you want to enter a string?"<<endl;
    //if the user enters n, the program terminates
    if(user_input == 'n')
        cout<<"Your done"<<endl;
    //if the user enters y, it asks to enter a string over the alphabet
    if(user_input == 'y')
        cout<<"Please enter a sting over a alphabet:"<<endl;
        //opens the file to read the string
        newfile.open("in.txt", ios::in);
        //checks whether file is open
        if (newfile. is_open())
            string str;
            //reads data from file object and puts it into string
            while (getline(newfile, str))
                //prints the data of the string
                cout<< str << "\n";
            //closes the file object

    return 0;

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