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i couldn't find my mistake here is my code.its a tic tac toe game

+3 votes
asked Sep 29, 2022 by vizagtop power vizag (150 points)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

string n1= " ";
string n2= " ";
char token='x';
int row;
int column;
char position[3][3]={{'1','2','3'},{'4','5','6'},{'7','8','9'}};
bool tie=false;

void fun1()
    cout<<"Enter name of First player: ";
    cout<<"Enter name of Second player: ";
    cout<<n1<<" plays First.\n";
    cout<<n2<<" plays Second.\n";

void fun2()
    cout<<"   |   |   "<<endl;
    cout<<" "<<position[0][0]<<" | "<<position[0][1]<<" | "<<position[0][2]<<" "<<endl;
    cout<<"   |   |   "<<endl;
    cout<<" "<<position[1][0]<<" | "<<position[1][1]<<" | "<<position[1][2]<<" "<<endl;
    cout<<"   |   |   "<<endl;
    cout<<" "<<position[2][0]<<" | "<<position[2][1]<<" | "<<position[2][2]<<" "<<endl;
    cout<<"   |   |   "<<endl;

void fun3()
    int digit;
        cout<<n1<<" select your position: ";
        cout<<n2<<" select your position: ";
    }if(digit ==1)
    }if(digit ==2)
    }if(digit ==3)
    }if(digit ==4)
    }if(digit ==5)
    }if(digit ==6)
    }if(digit ==7)
    }if(digit ==8)
    }if(digit ==9)
    else if(digit>9  || digit<1)
    if(token=='x' && position[row][column] !='x' && position[row][column] != '0')
    else if(token=='0' && position[row][column] !='x' && position[row][column] != '0')
        cout<<"There is no space."<<endl;

bool fun4()
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
        if(position[i][0]==position[i][1]  && position[i][0] == position[i][2]  ||  position[0][i]==position[1][i]  && position[1][i] == position[2][i])
            return true;
    if(position[0][0]==position[1][1]  && position[1][1] == position[2][2] || position[0][2]==position[1][1]  && position[1][1] == position[2][0])
        return true;
    for(int x;x<3;x++)
        for(int y;y<3;y++)
            if(position[x][y] != 'x' &&  position[x][y] != '0')
            return false;
    tie = true;
    return false;

int main()
    if(token =='x' && tie == false)
        cout<<n2<<" Wins!!"<<endl;
    if(token == '0' && tie==false)
        cout<<n1<<" Wins!!"<<endl;
        cout<<"Its a draw!"<<endl;
    return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 2, 2022 by xDELLx (10,520 points)

Correct your code as highlighted below .Also please Learn to Debug code it will make life easier.

 43 void fun3()
 44 {
 45     int digit;
 47     if(token=='x')
 48     {

 49         cout<<n1<<" select your position: ";
 50         cin>>digit;
 51         cout<<endl;
 52     }
 53     if(token=='0')
 54     {

 55         cout<<n2<<" select your position: ";
 56         cin>>digit;
 57         cout<<endl;
 58     }if(digit ==1)
 59     {
 60         row=0;
 61         column=0;
 62     }if(digit ==2)
 63     {



132     for(int x=0;x<3;x++)
133     {
134         for(int y=0;y<3;y++)
135         {

136             if(position[x][y] != 'x' &&  position[x][y] != '0')
137             return false;
138         }
139     }

Too many if -else combinations present to verify other things.Checkout switch case it will improve readbilty of code

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