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how to get the ascending and descending of 4 integers with out using array,&&,or only using function

+4 votes
asked Nov 8, 2022 by Biruk Nigussie (160 points)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void sort4Nums(int,int,int,int,short);

int main()


 char tr;

 short option;



  int num1,num2,num3,num4;


  cout<<"Enter four integers : \n";


  cout<<"How would you like to display the result ? \n";

  cout<<"1. Ascending order \n2. Descending order \n";




   case 1:

    cout<<"Ascending order : \n";



   case 2:

    cout<<"Descending : \n";




    cout<<"\n Invalid option. \n";



  cout<<"\nPress Y/y to try again.\n";


 }while(tr=='y' or tr=='Y');


return 0;


void sort4Nums(int n1,int n2,int n3,int n4,short op)









    cout<<n4<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n2<<" => "<<n1;


    cout<<n1<<" => "<<n2<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n4;


  else if(n1>=n4)



   cout<<n2<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n1;


   cout<<n1<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n2;





   cout<<n2<<" => "<<n1<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n3;


   cout<<n3<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n1<<" => "<<n2;



 else if(n1>=n4)



  cout<<n4<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n1<<" => "<<n2;


  cout<<n2<<" => "<<n1<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n4;


 else if(n2>=n4)



  cout<<n1<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n2;


  cout<<n2<<" => "<<n4<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n1;





  cout<<n1<<" => "<<n2<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n4;


  cout<<n4<<" => "<<n3<<" => "<<n2<<" => "<<n1;




1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)

I'm not sure about the restrictions. Maybe it's a special assignment to learn about the std::sort() method?

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