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how do i make a rock paper scissors program with python 3?

+8 votes
asked Dec 1, 2022 by Isabella (230 points)
i really need an answer before winter break

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)

See this question.

+2 votes
answered Dec 4, 2022 by TD - 06VA 806690 Tecumseh PS (230 points)
#make a while loop first#

#also make a randint 1-3#

from random import randint

random = randint(1, 3)

#the randint is for what the bot chooses (rock paper sizzors)

loop = True

while loop is True:

          print("Start of the game...")

if random == 1:

         #1 is rock

         player_choice = int(input("Type 1 for Rock, 2 for paper, 3 for sizzors... : "))

        if player_choice == 1:

                        print("You choose Rock!")

                        print("This round is a tie")

        elif player_choice == 2:

                       print("You choose Paper!")

                      print("You won this round")

        elif player_choice == 3:

                       print("You choose Sizzors!")

                       print("You lost this round")

elif random == 2:

         #2 is paper

         player_choice = input("Type 1 for Rock, 2 for paper, 3 for sizzors... : ")

         if player_choice == 1:

                        print("You choose Rock!")

                       print("You lost this round")

        elif player_choice == 2:

                       print("You choose Paper!")

                       print("This round is a tie")

        elif player_choice == 3:

                       print("You choose Sizzors!")

                      print("You won this round")

elif random == 3:

         #3 is sizzors

         player_choice = input("Type 1 for Rock, 2 for paper, 3 for sizzors... : ")

        if player_choice == 1:

                        print("You choose Rock!")

                      print("You won this round")

        elif player_choice == 2:

                       print("You choose Paper!")

                       print("You lost this round")

        elif player_choice == 3:

                       print("You choose Sizzors!")

                       print("This round is a tie")

#very simple rock paper sizzors!
+1 vote
answered Dec 12, 2022 by Behruz (420 points)

Game programming is a great way to learn how to program. You use many tools that you’ll see in the real world, plus you get to play a game to test your results! An ideal game to start your Python game programming journey is rock paper scissors.

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