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How do I write a game?

+10 votes
asked Dec 5, 2022 by fox hand (220 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 5, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)
edited Dec 7, 2022 by Peter Minarik

This is a very high-level overview:

  1. You figure out what sort of game you'd like to do. How much time you have for such a project?
  2. Then you plan what your game actually will do, how would it look, and what sort of features it would have.
  3. Then you choose your tool for the job. Note: your tools available may have a huge effect on what kind of games you can do. (E.g. creating a number guessing game is a whole lot different from creating a 2d top-down shooter, which is a whole lot different from creating an open-world multiplayer survival game).
  4. Then you get planning, what steps to take to do your project. Based on the project the planning may be simple or rather complex. You could do a simple math game in minutes to hours or a 3D game in months, or rather years.
  5. Get the team (or solo?!) ready and start prototyping.
  6. Keep testing, and prototyping until you get a working version of the game.
  7. Start polishing, testing, and modifying to meet the requirements.
  8. In the meantime, if you want to monetize it you need to start advertising.
  9. When the game is ready to show to others have others test your game. Get them to provide feedback.
  10. Work on the feedback (fix issues, add more features, fine-tune things).
  11. Have more rounds of testing, until you're happy with the satisfaction of the people who are going to play the game.
  12. Release the game.
  13. Keep providing support to your players (fix bugs, implement new features, add new content, provide technical support).
+2 votes
answered Dec 12, 2022 by Behruz (420 points)
  1. Outline the major storyline. ...
  2. Decide what type of game it will be. ...
  3. Develop your world. ...
  4. Create your main characters. ...
  5. Create a flowchart of your major story. ...
  6. Start writing the major story. ...
  7. Add in side quests, NPCs, and other small details.
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