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closed Site Bugged?

+5 votes
asked Feb 7, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow (390 points)
closed Feb 10, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow

As I was working on a project, I noticed the line numbers were WAY messed up. It would be normal for a bit, then almost reset, usually going back down to 4 or 5, and then that resets further down. Anyone who is experiencing this problem and has a solution would be welcome. I have refreshed the page several times, and removed all cookies, but it still is bugged.

Small section of the line numbers

Image of bugged line numbers

closed with the note: Fixed!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 7, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)

I've been using OnlineGDB for years and never had this. I usually write C/C++, Python code. Sometimes a bit of everything.

  1. What language did you use? Python?
  2. Did you collapse lines?
  3. Did you copy-paste lines?
  4. Did you do anything funky when the problem started to happen?
commented Feb 8, 2023 by WhatDoWeDoNow (390 points)
1. Yes, this is Python
2. No, I almost never do
3. I don't think so, but it is likely I did
4. No, I just went to update some code when I noticed it.
commented Feb 8, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)
Can you fix this by copying your code into a new project?
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