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Please tell me some beginner level python data structure project?

+4 votes
asked Feb 23, 2023 by Eidnoxon (5,140 points)
Just started learning python data structure. I started learning it like 8 months ago, but I gave up fast and fell in love with c++. Now, I want to get back to data structure, I learned the basics, well, some basics I guess. Can someone tell me a beginner friendly python data structure project? And please, make sure when you tell me a project please send me a source code of that project, so I can learn from my mistakes. Thank you! :D

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Feb 25, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,580 points)

And please, make sure when you tell me a project please send me a source code of that project, so I can learn from my mistakes.

The way I see it is that I can give you tips on what to look at, propose small projects, and you write the code and share it and ask for guidance if it does not work.

If you want to be familiar with data structures, check out this tutorial. Then on the left side menu you can navigate to individual data types to practice, such as

  • list
  • tuple
  • range
  • dict[ionary]
  • set, frozenset

After this, you can finish with your own classes and make it as complex as you wish.

Some easy projects to use the above data types would be sorting for instance for list-like types.

For the dictionary, where you can quickly access elements based on their key, I'd say store something based on strings, e.g. the days of the week based on their names.

Sets have unique elements only, so you could have a set for days where you do Python, and another set for days when you go to the gym. So you can take the union and then the difference from all of the days of the week to find out which days you are free.

Classes can have their own structure. Maybe create a class for cars and their parts. Make it as detailed as you want.

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