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Value of pi(Need help with my code)

+6 votes
asked Apr 7, 2023 by WX23 (230 points)
I tried calculating the value of pi using this formula:

pi = lim as n approaches  ∞ of n*(sin(180/n))

I was able to get the value of pi accurate to 15 decimal places using a value of n=1e9. Any value of n beyond this yielded the same result, despite the fact that both pi and n were long doubles. Is there any way I can get a more accurate value of pi? Has anyone done this? What is the highest you guys have got?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 13, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)

In what language? What is the exact code you used?

In C/C++, the sin() function uses radians, so your formula does not work. You'd need to put PI/n in the arguments, but by then you would have already defined PI. :)

commented Apr 13, 2023 by WX23 (230 points)
Yeah, that’s the silly part about my code. I have to use c++ ’s predefined value M_PI to get my own approximation of pi. I managed to find e and phi to a few decimal places though.
commented Apr 13, 2023 by WX23 (230 points)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;
int main()
    long double n{1e9};
    long double pi{};
    long double e{};
    long double phi{};
    cout<<"pi = "<<pi<<endl;
    cout<<"e = "<<e<<endl;
    long double reps{};
    vector<long double> fib_nums;
    long double latest_num{};
    cout<<"How many Fibonacci numbers do you want to generate?"<<endl;
    cout<<"Generating fibonacci numbers..."<<endl;
    for(long double i; i<(reps-1); i++){

Here’s my code. There’s a bit of other stuff for finding the values of other irrational numbers too.
commented Apr 14, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)

Yeah, exactly what I suspected.

I'm not an expert in maths, but my understanding is that the sin wave approaches 0 as the argument approaches 0. lim n->0 sin(n) = 0.

So what your formula says is that when the sin wave input approaches 0, the sin wave becomes linear, so for this, we could say that lim alpha->0 sin(alpha) = linear(alpha), where linear is some kind of linear function. But since it's a linear function, linear(PI/n) can be written as linear(PI) / n.

To put everything together, n * sin(PI/n) approximated for lim n->∞ (i.e. lim PI/n->0) the function could be approximated with n * linear(PI) / n, where multiplication and division by n cancel each other so we're left with a linear function of PI, where the linear function really is just returning the argument.

In other words, if you'd use any number instead of M_PI, that number would be returned.

Hence what your code does, it just returns the constant defined by M_PI and you won't achieve any better accuracy.

Go ahead, and replace your code with any number and see what I'm talking about.

E.g.: pi=n*sin(1.23/n);
commented Apr 17, 2023 by WX23 (230 points)
I did this, and I did get 1.23. It works until I get close to the value of M_PI, and then just stops working. I think the only way to avoid this is to avoid using trigonometric functions like sin. I’ll probably have to check out another method :)
commented Apr 18, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)
edited Apr 18, 2023 by Peter Minarik
Please, read this on how to calculate PI, it has a few methods: https://www.mathscareers.org.uk/calculating-pi/

Also, remember that double is 8 bytes and has 15-digit precision (depending on implementation), so it won't be able to correctly store more than these digits.

I got a bit carried away and did a quick project to calculate PI on my own. I selected the Nilakantha Series algorithm because it was convenient and used 128-bit floats for a bit more accuracy.

The below code can get up to 22-digit accuracy.


With more research, better algorithm one could do much better. With dedication, you can get to calculate even 1 million digits: https://www.piday.org/million/
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