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Beginner project ideas for c++?

+2 votes
asked Jun 4, 2023 by Eidnoxon (5,160 points)

3 Answers

+3 votes
answered Jun 4, 2023 by Peter Minarik (87,220 points)
edited Jun 5, 2023 by Peter Minarik

Create a "Tower of Hanoi" game (see example here), that will have an input n, the number of disks and returns the minimal number of steps needed to place all the disks from the 1st tower to the 3rd tower.

Here's a signature for you:

unsigned long GetTowersOfHanoiMinSteps(unsigned int disks)

Good luck!

+2 votes
answered Jun 5, 2023 by Swapnil Rankawat (180 points)
hii i am a software engineer at reliance corporation,INDIA

here are some basic programs that you can try as a beginner...

1. checking leap year

2. checking a number that it is prime,composite or not

3.to check for palindrome words

4.  if you are intereseted in making a easy meaningful program then you can go for a bank program...in which  you need to provide some basic functionality like withdraw,deposit,etc by the help of OOP principles!

good luck!
0 votes
answered Jun 5, 2023 by prabhat2101 (140 points)

Create an employee database using LinkedList data structure. where employee class includes employee name,id,salary,designation,working from etc where the employee id and salary is private i.e. can't accessed outside the employee class.

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