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I am a old VB6 programmer needing to change to c or python and want advice on which one does Sqlite the best.

+3 votes
asked Jun 14, 2023 by Mikelgiles (150 points)
I am retired but needing to move a app  that I am using from vb6 to python and am wondering how much harder c or c++ is over python.  It seems that python is using c for speed so if they are maybe I should also.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 18, 2023 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)

You kind of answered your own question: if performance is an important factor, go with C.

Here is the C Interface for SQLite.

Python would be a more lightweight solution, with less code to write, and more high-level instructions overall.

+1 vote
answered Jul 4, 2023 by Robert Garofalo (300 points)
What kind of app are you looking to migrate? Is it console-only or gui? How large is it? And are you specifically limited only to Python or C as the new language? Otherwise you may have more (and easier) options.
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