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In the below code there is an error at the getline function..I am not able to resolve it kindly help

0 votes
asked Aug 5, 2018 by anonymous
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

class prod
    string prodname;
    int prodid;
    double amount;
    int seqno;
    prod* next;
    prod(string, int, double, int, prod*);

prod::prod(string tempname,int tempid, double tempamount, int seq_no,  prod* tempNext)

typedef prod* prodPtr;

void getline(istream &stream, string &str, char delimiter)
{    char temp[500];

    stream.get(temp, 500, delimiter);
    stream.ignore(500, delimiter);
    str = temp;

void getline(istream &stream, int &num, char delimiter)
{    int temp;

    stream >> temp;
    stream.ignore(500, delimiter);
    num= temp;

void readFile(prodPtr &root);
void insert (prodPtr &root);
void delprod(prodPtr &root);
prodPtr locateNode(prodPtr temp, string titl);
void searchname(prodPtr temp);
void printList(prodPtr temp);
void saveFile(prodPtr temp);
int countNodes(prodPtr temp);

void readFile(prodPtr &root)
    int numprod,prodi,sqn;
    string prodn;
    double prodamt;
    ifstream infile ("PRODUCTS.txt", ios::in);
    infile >> numprod;
    for (int count = 0; count < numprod; count++)
        getline(infile,prodn, '\n');
        getline(infile, prodi, '\n');
        getline(infile, prodamt, '\n');
        getline(infile,sqn, '\n');

        root = new prod (prodn,prodi, prodamt, sqn, root);

void insert (prodPtr &root)
    int numprod,prodi,sqn;
    string prodn;
    double prodamt;

    cout << "PRODUCT NAME:\t\t\t";
    getline(cin, prodn, '\n');
    cout << "PRODUCT ID:\t\t\t";
    getline(cin, prodi, '\n');
    cout << "PRODUCT AMOUNT:\t\t";
    getline(cin,prodamt, '\n');
    cout << "PRODUCT SEQ NO:\t\t\t";
    getline(cin,sqn, '\n');

    root = new prod (prodn,prodi, prodamt, sqn, root);

void searchname(prodPtr temp)
    string prodn;

    cout << "PRODUCT NAME PLEASE:\t\t\t";
    getline(cin, prodn, '\n');

    while (temp != NULL)
        if (prodn == temp->prodname)
            cout << temp->prodname << "\n";
            cout << temp->prodid << "\n";
            cout << temp->amount<< "\n";
            cout << temp->seqno << "\n";
        temp = temp->next;
    cout << "\n";

void printList(prodPtr temp)
    while (temp != NULL)
        cout << temp->prodname << "\n";
            cout << temp->prodid << "\n";
            cout << temp->amount << "\n";
            cout << temp->seqno << "\n";
        temp = temp->next;
    cout << "\n";

void saveFile(prodPtr temp)
    int count = countNodes(temp);
    ofstream outFile("Input_records.txt",ios::out);

    outFile << count << "\n";
    while (temp != NULL)
        outFile << temp->prodname<< "\n";
        outFile << temp->prodid << "\n";
        outFile << temp->amount << "\n";
        outFile << temp->seqno << "\n";
        temp = temp->next;
    cout << "\n";

int countNodes(prodPtr temp)
    int countB = 0;
    while (temp != NULL)
        temp = temp->next;
    return countB;
int main()
    int choice;
    prodPtr root = NULL;

        cout << "\t\t<<=========================>>";
        cout << "\n\t\t>>LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM<<";
        cout << "\n\t\t<<=========================>>";
        cout << "\n\nMenu: Select your option\n\n";
        cout << "(1) Add a product to the list\n";
        cout << "(2) Delete by produvt name\n";
        cout << "(3) Search a product by name.\n";
        cout << "(4) List all products\n";
        cout << "(5) Quit.\n\n";
        cout << "Enter your choice ---> ";

        cin >> choice;

        if (1 <= choice && choice <= 4)
            switch (choice)
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
                cout << "Invalid choice.  Enter again.\n\n";
    while (choice != 5);
    return 0;

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