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Write a program using a WHILE LOOP that takes 6 type float numbers from user and outputs the average

+1 vote
asked Sep 19, 2017 by Kiana Malave (130 points)
How would I go about this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2017 by Admin (5,110 points)

Understand usage of while loop. You can refer this tutorial for that.
All you have to do is take input from user in while loop, Keep sum of numbers read in one variable. 
And at the end out of loop, divide sum by 6. That would be your average.

0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2017 by anonymous
You can refer http://learn.onlinegdb.com/c_program_calculate_average_of_numbers
It is using "for....loop", you just need to replace for loop with while loop. And you need to take float number instead of integer.
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