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can I get explanation of this program????

0 votes
asked Nov 1, 2018 by Prudhvi kanth Chirumamilla (140 points)
int main()
    int n=1;
    return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2018 by JEANMARC (180 points)

int main()
    int n = 1;
    // printf("%d%d%d",n++,n,++n);
    // replaced above with three descriptive prints and new lines "\n" (not to be confuse with variable n)
    // %d is a place holder for the decimal format of n to be printed. Three %d in the original for three values of n

    printf("\nprint n as is and then increment it: n = %d", n++);
    printf("\nprint n after incremented by previous printf: n = %d", n);
    printf("\nincrement n and then print it: n = %d", ++n);
    return 0;
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