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does u guys have chess game code for c ?

0 votes
asked Nov 5, 2018 by anonymous
i need it to make some improvements could you send a code if you have?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2018 by LukiDensi (140 points)
just google it - you will find a lot of games (with source) made in c
0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2018 by anonymous
void printBoard(Game& game)
   cout << "   A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H\n\n";

   for (int iLine = 7; iLine >= 0; iLine--)
      if ( iLine%2 == 0)
         // Line starting with BLACK
         printLine(iLine, BLACK_SQUARE, WHITE_SQUARE, game);

         // Line starting with WHITE
         printLine(iLine, WHITE_SQUARE, BLACK_SQUARE, game);

void printLine(int iLine, int iColor1, int iColor2, Game& game)
   // Define the CELL variable here. 
   // It represents how many horizontal characters will form one square
   // The number of vertical characters will be CELL/2
   // You can change it to alter the size of the board 
   // (an odd number will make the squares look rectangular)
   int CELL = 6;

   // Since the width of the characters BLACK and WHITE is half of the height, 
   // we need to use two characters in a row.
   // So if we have CELL characters, we must have CELL/2 sublines
   for (int subLine = 0; subLine < CELL/2; subLine++)
      // A sub-line is consisted of 8 cells, but we can group it
      // in 4 iPairs of black&white
      for (int iPair = 0; iPair < 4; iPair++)
         // First cell of the pair
         for (int subColumn = 0; subColumn < CELL; subColumn++)
            // The piece should be in the "middle" of the cell
            // For 3 sub-lines, in sub-line 1
            // For 6 sub-columns, sub-column 3
            if ( subLine == 1 && subColumn == 3)
               cout << char(game.getPieceAtPosition(iLine, iPair*2) != 0x20 ? 
                             game.getPieceAtPosition(iLine, iPair*2) : iColor1);
               cout << char(iColor1);

         // Second cell of the pair
         for (int subColumn = 0; subColumn < CELL; subColumn++)
            // The piece should be in the "middle" of the cell
            // For 3 sub-lines, in sub-line 1
            // For 6 sub-columns, sub-column 3
            if ( subLine == 1 && subColumn == 3)
               cout << char(game.getPieceAtPosition(iLine,iPair*2+1) != 0x20 ? 
                              game.getPieceAtPosition(iLine,iPair*2+1) : iColor2);
               cout << char(iColor2);
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