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How to make a program in c that find sin value for any angle

0 votes
asked Jan 24, 2019 by niladridhar (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2019 by Bullwinkle

The C math library provides a sine function with the following prototype:

double sin( double x );

The angle 'x' is expressed in radians.  You'll find other trigonometric functions in the C math library also; consult the man pages and/or do an online search for more info.

To obtain access to the math library functions, you must do two things.  First, #include <math.h> into your source code file; otherwise you'll get a compiler error when you try to invoke sin().  Second, be sure to add the -lm option to your compiler command line so that the math library is included into your build; otherwise you'll get an "unknown symbol" error from the linker.

Sine Example:

#include <math.h>

** Surprisingly, PI is not defined in math.h (if it's a conforming C
** implementation).  POSIX provides the M_PI symbol, which has the following
** value.
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

int main( void )
   printf( "The sine of pi/4 is %lf.\n", sin(PI/4) );
   return 0;

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