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check out for mistake, its not running..

+1 vote
asked Jul 10, 2019 by ishuRastogi (130 points)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char user_id[]="ishurastogi2001", pass[]="ishu2001", a[15], b[8];
    int x,y;
    x=strcmp(a, user_id);
    y=strcmp(b, pass);
    for(int n=1; n<=3; n++)
        printf("Enter User ID:");
        scanf("%s ", user_id);
            printf("Enter user password: ");
            scanf("%d ", pass);
                printf("You are logged in...");
                printf("Incorrect Password, try again...");
            printf("Invalid User Id...");
            printf("Access Denied...");

    return 0;

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2019 by anonymous 1 flag

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char user_id[]="ishurastogi2001", pass[]="ishu2001", a[15], b[8];
    int x,y;
    x=strcmp(a, user_id);
    y=strcmp(b, pass);
    for(int n=1; n<=3; n++)
        printf("Enter User ID:");
        scanf("%s ", user_id);
            printf("Enter user password: ");
            scanf("%d ", pass);
                printf("You are logged in...");
                printf("Incorrect Password, try again...");
            printf("Invalid User Id...");
            printf("Access Denied...");

    return 0;

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2019 by Loki (1,600 points)
edited Jul 11, 2019 by Loki
I'd suggest you first remove the space in the scanf command after %s and %d. Also you need to change the %d to %s as you are using alphanumeric password(having alphabets also) and you should scanf 'a' instead of 'user_id' and 'b' instead of 'pass' furthermore you must do a strcmp after user has input the values or else it will always be incorrect. The correct code is below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char user_id[16]="ishurastogi2001", pass[]="ishu2001", a[16], b[9];
    int x,y;
    x=strcmp(a, user_id);
    y=strcmp(b, pass);
    for(int n=1; n<=3; n++)
        printf("Enter User ID:");
        scanf("%s", &a);
        x=strcmp(a, user_id);
            printf("Enter user password: ");
            scanf("%s", &b);
            y=strcmp(b, pass);
                printf("You are logged in...");
                printf("Incorrect Password, try again...");
            printf("Invalid User Id...");
            printf("Access Denied...");

    return 0;

The code above will ask you the user name and if correct then pass. It will continue to ask three times even if correct thus I advise to use a break statement.
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