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preprocessor errors in c

–2 votes
asked Oct 2, 2019 by Sai Prasad (100 points)
which one is find the errors in cpp(c preprocessor)

i.e syntax are finds by the compiler  like this errors in cpp



ERROR : fatal error

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2019 by Awais ul HAssan
Three typre of errores in programing  language

1) syntax error

compilier show this if use wrong syntax like int to INT etc

2) Logical error

compilier not show this error. this error deficult to find.example of this

use wrong condition & logic like 2+3 to 2=3 etc

3) Run time error

 during the execution of program this error apper.

example : devide any number by Zero so comliier not have any n output of it
0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2019 by md shamim (140 points)
.prototype is errors in header file error.
+1 vote
answered Apr 12, 2020 by Finlay Mitchell (240 points)
you need to do <stdio.h>
0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2020 by keithAtSpacee (150 points)
If you're using C++, most likely you'd want

#include <iostream>

and then probably

using namespace std;

then you could use iostream functions with ease, like

cout << "Hello World\n";
0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by Asri8655 (140 points)
Compile time error
0 votes
answered Apr 15, 2020 by Shoaib Muhammad (150 points)


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