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How do I run codes on other than the default 'main' tab?

0 votes
asked Oct 6, 2019 by maxr00m (170 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 6, 2019 by Admin (5,100 points)
Other tabs present in same IDE specifies the multi file project.
Such as in C, you can create custom header file and can include in main or other file.
Here is brief example
0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2019 by anonymous
Create another .c file and use that. Make sure nothing is in main.c file, especially header files or it won't compile.


create your own header files by creating a file with .h file extension and in main.c call the .h file by #include "name.h"

Your own .h file can store functions and data etc
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