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how to add text files in my account

+1 vote
asked Oct 15, 2019 by lalo d (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2019 by Molero Raffi (540 points)

If you mean saving a text file in OnlineGDB, then you can't as far as I know.

The closest thing you'll get to that, is saving a C file with just a block comment:

This is a C file.
This is used simply to store text.
The slashes (/) and asterisks (*) are used to begin and end the comment.
If you ever put an asterisk next to a slash in your text, it will break.
This is because C can't tell the difference between "a comment with an asterisk+slash" and "a comment followed by code that just so happens to end with another asterisk+slash".
commented Oct 28, 2019 by gameforcer (2,990 points)
Well, if you're logged into onlinegdb you can just write to a file in "w+" mode, run the script and the file will be made. Alternatively you can press CTRL+M to create a new file directly. Then it's just a matter of saving it as a new project and voilĂ .
If he wants something like uploading a file though, then it's not possible.
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