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why am I getting segmentation fault?

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2019 by anonymous
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    char *name[]={"ravi","ravindra","ravindrababu"};


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2019 by Zohar
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    char *name[]={"ravi","ravindra","ravindrababu"};
    printf("%s",(*(name+2)+7));-- you don't need a * here after getting *(name+2) other wise it will raise a segment fault
0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2019 by mayur007 (180 points)


What are you trying to do in the above code?

Please explain...

*(name+2) will return "ravindrababu" which is of type char*. We can't add int with a char*

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2019 by gameforcer (2,990 points)
edited Nov 13, 2019 by gameforcer

Third printf() should be


I think that you thought that since it makes a string you need to pass a pointer to it but that's not the case.



is not in fact a string but a pointer to a position at name[2][7]

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