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How do ArrayList work> i heard they can store data and thats about all i know

+1 vote
asked Dec 9, 2019 by GibberishLove02 (130 points)
i am tryimng to do a login program and want to use system.in so the user can make a username and passowrd, but have no idea how to store that and use it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2019 by Theodore Friedrich (290 points)

You would be better off using a HashMap for username's and passwords. HashMaps store data in using keys. If you had this HashMap:

{"billybob"="password", "sk8rboi69"="password#2"}

You could access the data by using .get("billybob").


HashMap<String, String> users = new HashMap<String, String>(); //<type of key, type of value>

users.put("billybob", "password");

System.out.println(users); // {"billybob"="password"}

System.out.println(user.get("billybob")); // "password"

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