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do everytime we have to update launch.json directory in visual studio code for every cpp file

0 votes
asked Dec 16, 2019 by anonymous
if i have wriiten one program ex:-

cout<<"hello world";


after adding some further variables like adding operations;

but still it is showing hello world .how to resolve this issue.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 2, 2020 by Yusuf Dadkhah (240 points)

 we can install code runner, and save the directory name in the settings and than press ctrl alt n and than copy our c++ code into there and run it and find out what the c++errors are.

i can only assume, at this point, you typed out your adding operations without a comma in the middle and the end didn't and you probably didn't add the correct numbers ,if you tried to add numbers at all. always show the minimal amount of code, so we replicate your errors and figure out why x errors has happpended and provide you a solution.
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