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what is the use of switch in language c and how to use it

–1 vote
asked Jan 26, 2020 by anonymous

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2020 by anonymous

Switch is a Control Flow statement. It is use to evaluate expressions. Look at this code snippet:

char grade = 'A';

   switch(grade) {
      case 'A' :
         printf("Excellent!\n" );
      case 'B' :
      case 'C' :
         printf("Well done\n" );
      default :
         printf("Invalid grade\n" );
Above statement evaluates the value of the variable grade. The switch statement look each case then print the corresponding statement.
0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2020 by harish1117 (140 points)
switch is mainly used in programs where the multiple values to be compared and executed is to be done in random
+1 vote
answered Jan 28, 2020 by anonymous
//switch statements are equivalent to lots of if-elseif-else statements

#include <stdio.h>

void main(){

int a = 2;

switch(a){      //variable or expression to investigate
    case 1:     //characters go within ' '  e.g. case 'a'
        printf("A = 1");
        break;    //In C, need break else will carry on and print all statements until next break or will print default if no breaks
    case 2:
        printf("A = 2");
    case 3:
    default:    // need default and statements etc else switch doesn't work
        printf("Value of A not found in this switch");

//Another key variable is continue. This means if switch matches, will move on and keep going through switches until another match or default
//In this switch, will print case 2 statements since condition matches (a == 2)
0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2020 by teja sree (360 points)
The switch statement is a multiway branch statement.It provides an easy way to dispatch execution to different parts of code based on the value of expression.

void main()


int roll=3;



  case 1:

            printf("I am Sree");


case 2:

        printf("I am Teja");


case 3:

     printf("I am priya");



   printf("No student found");



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