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Would someone please help me figure out how to get C++ to accept my input

0 votes
asked Feb 18, 2020 by WillPope (190 points)

// Would someone please help me figure out how to get C++ to accept my inputed month value as a decimal, by in-turn change it to an integer?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int month, day, year;
    cout << "Enter a month (use 1 for january, ect.): ";
    cin  >> month;
    cout << "Enter a day of the month: ";
    cin  >>  day;
    cout << month << "/" << day << endl;

    if ( day == (int) day )
    {                        // Day must be an integer quantity.
            cout << "day is invalid" << endl;   
            if ( (month < 1 ) || ( month > 12) )
                cout << "Month value is invalid." << endl;
                if ( (day < 1 ) || ( day > 31) )  
                    cout << "Day value is invalid." << endl;
    switch (month)
        case 9:     // September
        case 4:     // April
        case 6:     // June
        case 11:    // November
            if ( day > 30 )
                cout << "Day value is invalid." << endl;
        case 2:     // February
            if ( day > 28 )
                cout << "Day value is invalid." << endl;
   return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2020 by Theodore Friedrich (290 points)
If your just trying to get a decimal input, you can just change the your initialization of month to "double month" instead of "int month."

If you want an int input and then have it become a decimal you can just create a new variable for your decimal month and set it equal to the int month:

double dMonth = month; //c++ and most other languages will convert an int to a floating-point number if need be
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