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If I wanted my program to go back to a certain part of my program. How do I do that? Please help. Thanks a lot.

0 votes
asked Feb 20, 2020 by Arsen Crawford
For example;

There's a question and there's only 3 choices/answers. But you've entered something that is not on choices. Then a notification will pop up (ex. Invalid input. Please try again.) How do I return the answering part?

print('n1. What is print function?\n')
    print('A. used to receive data from keyboard in a program.')
    print('B. used to execute the codes.')
    print('C. used for declaration.\n')

    response = input('Your answer: ')

    if response == 'A' or response == 'a':
        print('\nAwesome, that is correct\n')
        score = score + 1
    elif response == 'B' or response == 'b' or response == 'C' or response == 'c':
        print('\nSadly, that is incorrect.\n')
        This part will go back to response part. How?

Thanks a lot.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2020 by Prashant

There are are several methods to do it:

  • Wrap a loop on your if-else function, e.g. while(1) and break on "a" and "b" options.
  • Use goto function.

Many more methods are there like loop with switch-case, etc., happy coding :)

0 votes
answered Feb 20, 2020 by Shubham

use Do While loop, this loop will execute atleast once, Here it will repeat until your answer doesn't matches A or a.

do {

/*code for response for input*/

response = input('Your answer: ');


while(response!='a' or response!= 'A');

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