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calculate and display the sum of first n positive integers where n is a number entered by the user from the key board

–1 vote
asked Mar 30, 2020 by Sanju Sana (120 points)

5 Answers

–2 votes
answered Mar 31, 2020 by sunny (140 points)

To calculate and display you can use loop. 

for e.g.
int n,sum = 0,c,value;
  printf("How many numbers you want to add?\n");
  scanf("%d", &n);
  printf("Enter %d integers\n", n);
  for (= 1; c <= n; c++)
    scanf("%d", &value);
    sum = sum + value;

commented Apr 18, 2020 by Daksh Prajapati (100 points)
if you are begginer than it is a good program.
0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2020 by Manav Changela (190 points)
I used a simple formula from Arithmetic  Progression


void main()


  int n,sum;
  printf("ENTER VALUE OF n:");
  printf("\n sum=%d",sum);
0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2020 by Prabhat Nayak (220 points)
// for calculate sum of all positive integers upto n


void main()


  int n,sum,i;




 printf("enteres number is  a negative number");


else if(n=0)


printf("sum is 0");









printf("sum of all integer upto %d is %d",n,sum);

0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2020 by bhoomi2000 (780 points)
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2020 by Jag Man Gurung (220 points)
Here is a simple program to calculate the sum using recursion. And I have used a do while loop to check whether the user inputed number is positive or not.

#include <iostream>

int sum(int number)
    if(number > 0)
        return number + sum(number - 1);

int main()
    int n{0};
        std::cout << "Enter the number: ";
        std::cin >> n;
    }while(n <= 0);
    std::cout << sum(n);
    return 0;
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