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can someone share projects? i want to play around with them (probably improve) also include what it does!

+1 vote
asked Jun 2, 2020 by Vince Mendoza (220 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Jun 2, 2020 by soroshasn (480 points)
selected Jun 4, 2020 by Vince Mendoza
Best answer
#include <stdio.h>
int max(int arr[], int n)
{int i;
    int max = arr[0];
    for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
    {if (arr[i] > max)
            max = arr[i];}
    return max;}
int min(int arr[], int n)
{int i;
    int min=arr[0];
    for (i=1;i<n;i++)
    {if (arr[i]<min)
           min = arr[i];}
    return min;}
int main()
{ int numberofcollumns;
    printf("enter the number of the collumns:\t");
    int arr[numberofcollumns];
    int index;
    for (int n=0;n<numberofcollumns;n++)
    {printf("enter the next number of your array:\t");
    printf("Largest number in given array is :%d\n", max(arr, numberofcollumns));
    printf("smallest number in given array is :%d", min(arr, numberofcollumns));
    return 0;}

//this was my universityy class project
commented Jun 4, 2020 by Vince Mendoza (220 points)
reshown Jun 4, 2020 by Vince Mendoza
what language is this? i might as well learn new stuff
commented Jun 5, 2020 by soroshasn (480 points)
its C programming
can you improve it ?
commented Jan 29, 2021 by Jeff The Chicken (2,920 points)
definitely not a "universityy" that taught good grammar.
–2 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by kurbanuglu (110 points)
250.125 kayan noktalı sayıyı tek duyarlı (single precision) yöntemde yazınız
0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2020 by Shubham Yadav (180 points)
import numpy as np
arr2 = np.ar([60,40,25])
for element in arr2:
    for i in range(3):
        if ar[i]>element:


#trying to compare the elements of ar1 with the ar2 and sort out the no of elements in ar1 that are greater than of ar2
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