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Array-I really need a solution

+9 votes
asked Jan 12, 2018 by Teebenthira Kumar Madhavan (210 points)
Generate a table that indicates the rainfall for the city of Plainview and compares the current year’s rainfall
for the city with the rainfall from the previous year. Display some summary statistics that will indicate
both the annual rainfall for each year and the average monthly rainfall for each year. The input data will
consists of twelve pairs of numbers. The first number in each pair will be the current year’s rainfall for a
month and the second number will be what fell during the same month the previous year. The first data
pair will represent January; the second will be February and so forth. If you assume the data begin
3.2 4 (for January)
2.2 1.6 (for February)
The output should resemble the following:
Table of monthly
rainfall January

February .... December

This year 3.2 2.2
Last year 4.0 1.6

Total rainfall this year : 35.7
Total rainfall last year : 42.8
Average monthly rainfall for this year: 3.6

Average monthly rainfall for last year:4.0
Use array to solve this problem.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 3, 2022 by max colby (160 points)
Did you ask Google?
commented Mar 4, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,640 points)
Why necro a 4-year-old post with something totally not helpful?
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