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System PAUSE and CLS

+2 votes
asked Aug 1, 2020 by FX Airell Valerio SW (140 points)
How can we use system("pause") and system("cls") in here?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2020 by Peter Minarik (86,130 points)
edited Jun 21, 2021 by Peter Minarik
Both pause and cls are Windows commands.

OnlineGDB is running on a linux machine, hence the Windows commands do not work there.

"clear" on Linux is the equivalent of "cls" on Windows, however, it does not work in here. It works in your own PC though if you're running Linux.
commented Jun 26, 2023 by Éder S. (320 points)
put it library stdlib.h
and put system ("clear") ;

check it code


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;

int main () {
int n1, n2, res ;
char opc ;

inicio :
system ("clear") ;
cout << " digite nota 1 :  " ;
cin >> n1 ;
cout << " digite nota 2 : " ;
cin >> n2 ;
res = n1+n2 ;

if ( res > 60 )
cout << " aprovado \n" ;

else if ( res > 40 & res < 59 )
cout << " recuperacao \n" ;

cout << " reprovado \n" ;

cout << " Digitar outras notas ? [S / N ] " ;
cin >> opc ;

if ( opc == 's' or opc == 'S' )
goto inicio ;

return 0;

+1 vote
answered Jun 19, 2021 by lzy (170 points)


Not support

They all need to use"#include < Windows.h >"

The GDPOnline IDE does not support it


System (" CLS ") clears the screen
System (" pause ") can display "press any key to continue"

// If you want, download dev-cpp

0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2023 by Éder S. (320 points)
OnlineGdb work in server host linux , so need library linux to working.

Unique solution is put it library and function sleep.

check code



#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>     // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HERE

using namespace std;

int pay1,minutes;

int main()  {
    cout<<"What value you pay ? 39, 59 or 69 ?   ";
    cin >> pay1;
    cout << "What minute you used ?   ";
    cin>> minutes;
   if (pay1 == 39 ) {  cout << "You Pay 39$ "<< "\n";
   cout << "Your total Bill is " << pay1 + minutes*0.45 << "\n" ; }
    else if ( pay1 == 59) { cout << "You Pay 59$" << "\n";  
    cout << "Your total Bill is " << pay1 + minutes*0.40 << "\n" ; }
    else if ( pay1 == 69) { cout << "You Pay 69" << "\n";  
    cout << "Your total Bill is ilimitate "  << "\n" ; }
    else {cout << "You tape value wrong" << "\n"  ;}
 sleep(5);    //  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HERE
goto label1;
    return 0;
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