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Please Help me fix my code

+1 vote
asked Nov 2, 2020 by Hammad (130 points)

using namespace std;


int number;

cout<<"Please enter the number between 0 to 30: ";






else if (11>=number>=20)




else if (21>=number>=30)




cout<<"It is not a correct colour option.";


if number is 0 - 10 print blue

if number is 11- 20 print red

if number is 21-30 print green else

it is not a correct colour option

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2020 by Saksham Rajput (140 points)
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

main ()

  int number;

  cout << "Please enter the number between 0 to 30: ";

  cin >> number;

  if (0 <= number && number <= 10)


      cout << "Blue";


  else if (11 <= number && number <= 20)


      cout << "Red";


  else if (21 <= number && number <= 30)


      cout << "Green";

      cout << "It is not a correct colour option.";


  return 0;
0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2020 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)

Problem #1

Your logic is wrong. There aren't any numbers that would be "0>=number>=10" i.e. less or equal to 0 but at the same time greater or equal to 10. The correct logic would be to look for a number that is at least 0 but not larger than 10 (0 <= number <= 10).

The same apply for the rest of the checks.

Problem #2

In many programming languages you cannot exactly use the same expressions as you'd use in mathematics. To tell the C compiler you want to check if a number is at least 0 and is no more than 10 then you have to describe this with two conditions combined together with an and (&&) operator:
0 <= number && number <= 10

Correct Code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

    int number;
    cout << "Please enter the number between 0 to 30: ";
    cin >> number;
    if (0 <= number && number <= 10)
        cout << "Blue";
    else if (11 <= number && number <= 20)
        cout << "Red";
    else if (21 <= number && number <=30)
        cout << "Green";
        cout << "It is not a correct colour option.";
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