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why exit code 139 at row no 47,what wrong in my code;

–1 vote
asked Nov 25, 2020 by Tarun Kumar Tarlana (350 points)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

  struct node
      int data;
      struct node*link;
  //fun to create linkedlist
   void createlist(int n);
   void traverslist();
int main()
    int n; //no of ele to be in linkedlist
    printf("enter total no of node:" );
    return 0;

 void createlist(int n)
    struct node *temp,*newnode;
    int data, i;
    head =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));/*allocated first node*/
    //terminate if memory not allocated
    if (head=NULL)
        printf("unable to allocate memory");
    // take input from user
    printf("enter the data of node 1:");
         newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node));
         if (newnode=NULL)
             printf("unable to allocate memory");
         printf("enterthe data of node %d:",i);
  void traverslist()
      struct node *temp;
      if(head =NULL)
      { printf("list is empty");
      return ;}
      int i=1;
      {printf(" data %d:%d\n",i,temp->data);
      temp= temp->link;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2020 by xDELLx (10,500 points)
edited Nov 25, 2020 by xDELLx
    head =(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));/*allocated first node*/
    printf("Before if comparison address of head %x\n",head);
    //terminate if memory not allocated
    if (head=NULL)
        printf("unable to allocate memory");
    printf("After if comparison address of head %x\n",head);
    // take input from user

What do you think does the red highlighted code do ??

Try to print the address of head before the If statement & after checking it.

Hint : Please check syntax to how to compare & the syntax to assign variables.


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