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How do I print out the Misses in alphabetical order?

+1 vote
asked Jan 15, 2021 by TylerBlachowiak (330 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 16, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,160 points)

There could be various ways to do this.

  1. Before printing out, you sort your characters in a string alphabetically.
  2. You do not use a StringBuilder to store your characters, but a byte array instead. Every character is represented by a byte from 0 ('a') til 26 ('z'). You initialize the array to 0 (false). If the user tries one of the letters, you mark that one 1 (true). In the end, you iterate through the array and print only those letters that have their id marked as true. Tip: char ch; (ch - 'a') will give you their id.
Good luck
commented Jan 18, 2021 by Fidel Mendoza Jr (100 points)
// Answering a Question on the ASK A QUESTION PORTION:
//Fix  it  ends...How to get the protons and nuetrons... know the fix please
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()
    string MyStr;
    int x = 0;
    cout<<"               SCIENCE PROJECT \n You have 3 choices \n";
    cout<<" What is the smallest particle in the World? \n";
    cout<<"   1. Atom 2. cells 3. element \n";
    getline (cin, MyStr);
    stringstream (MyStr)>>x;
    if (x==1){
    else cout<<"      WRONG. 'RUN' THE PROGRAM AGAIN AND TRY AGAIN \n";

    cout<< "   SORRY, you're next quiz about \n  ... how to get the protons and neutrons of an element \n";
    cout <<"   (a) Atomic mass  atomic number (b) atomic number  atomic mass \n";
    cout<<"    ... is VERY CONFUSING";
    return 0;
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by Dev Gaur (140 points)
  1. Before printing out, you sort your characters in a string alphabetically.
  2. You do not use a StringBuilder to store your characters, but a byte array instead. Every character is represented by a byte from 0 ('a') til 26 ('z'). You initialize the array to 0 (false). If the user tries one of the letters, you mark that one 1 (true). In the end, you iterate through the array and print only those letters that have their id marked as true. Tip: char ch; (ch - 'a') will give you their id.
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