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Given a value for n find the smallest armstrong number greater than n

+1 vote
asked Apr 10, 2021 by Anitha (430 points)
int n,x,r,sum=0,y;
printf("enter n");
//I have an idea like this,please help me in this

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2021 by Pranav Kumar Vanam (440 points)
selected May 18, 2021 by Anitha
Best answer
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int n,m,temp=1,r,sum;
    return 0;
0 votes
answered Apr 12, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)
edited Apr 13, 2021 by Peter Minarik


Let's start with the definition of Armstrong numbers.

given number base b is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.


e.g.: 153=1^{3}+5^{3}+3^{3}

Note: it works for any length of numbers (number of digits: 1, 2, 3, etc ...). Check the linked site for details.

Issues With Your Code

There are various issue with the code you wrote. Syntax and logic has flows alike. Instead of trying to fix that, I went with a new implementation. See "My Solution" below.

My Solution

Here's my code below. It's commented, so I won't do a detailed rundown. I'll just highlight some points:

  • We're assuming decimal, non-negative integral numbers
  • No extra effort is made to check if the user enters a valid number
  • The code wouldn't work correctly when the unsigned long overflows. No efforts were made to test this. One with more time could do that.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>

static unsigned char CountNumberOfDigits(unsigned long n)
    unsigned char count = 1;
    while (n >= 10)
        n /= 10;

    return count;

// Raise a number (digit) to a given power. Returns: digit ^ power
static unsigned long Pow(unsigned char digit, unsigned char power)
    unsigned long result = 1;
    while (power > 0)
        result *= digit;
    return result;

static bool IsArmstrongNumber(unsigned long n)
    unsigned char length = CountNumberOfDigits(n);
    unsigned long sum = 0;
    unsigned long number = n; // We keep "n" to have the original and process it in "number"
    while (number > 0)
        unsigned char lastDigit = number % 10;
        number /= 10; // We are cutting off the last digit and need to process the remaining number
        sum += Pow(lastDigit, length);
    return n == sum;

int main()
    unsigned long n; // using unsigned long type as we're not interested in negative numbers and to store as large numbers as possible
    printf("Enter n: ");
    scanf("%lu", &n);
    unsigned long i = n + 1;
    while (!IsArmstrongNumber(i))

    printf("The smallest Armstrong number greater than %lu is: %lu\n", n, i);
    return 0;
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