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I want to keep a counter inside of a class in order to print

+3 votes
asked Jun 4, 2021 by despoina manoyse (150 points)
class B{

 public: int metritis;

private: node * ptr;


void func() override {

node * findwhat(node *p, int & metritis){......}

} What I want is to find a way to access all the pointers followed by p in order to print the contents of a duplicate avl tree using my one ( as asked in my assignment) iterator.

class TreeIteratorImpl : public Iterator<T>::Impl {
    typedef typename Iterator<T>::Impl Impl;

    Impl *clone() const override { return new TreeIteratorImpl(ptr); }
    T &access() const override { return ptr->data; }
    int metritis;
    //node *metr; metr->data=0;
    void advance() override {
         //int * metritis; cout<<metritis;
        //int metritis=metr->data;

    node *findwhat(node *p,int &metritis)
            metritis=0; return nullptr;
            metritis=2; p->visited=2; return p;
        else    if (p->right != nullptr)
           p = leftdown(p->right);
           {   //cout<<"B";
               int v=p->counter;
               {   //cout<<"C";
                   p->visited=1;metritis++;p->visited++; //cout<<"HIHI";
                   return p;
                return p;



          p = leftup(p);
          {  //cout<<"D";
              int v=p->counter;
               {   //cout<<"E";
                   p->visited=1;metritis++;p->visited++; //cout<<this->ptr->visited; //cout<<"popo";
                   return p;
               return p;


    bool equal(const Impl &i) const override {
      return ptr == ((TreeIteratorImpl *)&i)->ptr;

    TreeIteratorImpl(node *p) : ptr(p) {}

    node *ptr;
    friend class avltree<T>;

THis prints all the iterators twice expcept from the leftleft bottom child. How can I correct it?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2021 by xDELLx (10,500 points)
The code looks incomplete .No implementation of avltree<T>.

Can u share it & also show its usage in main.

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