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help me write a program

0 votes
asked Mar 7, 2018 by OMBETA LAWRENCE OCHIENG B136/13768/2017 (120 points)
A program to capture student scores for five student,the student details include reg no,first name,last name.The courses the student are taking shall be 3 units i.e CSC121,CSC221,CSC321.Each of the units shall have a score .The program shall store the result of the student in a file,every time the program is run the file shall be overwritten to accomodate new files.The program shall allow the user to key in the student and the scores for the  students in every unit and shall find the average score for every student ,the total and the largest  score for every student.The user shall be able to search for a student using either the reg no or the last name and  display the report of the student on the screen

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2018 by Shane Such (860 points)
just a heads up nobody wants to do your HW but if you try to create it and then get errors then post it here
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