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Why is the error like "No such file or directory", what should i do

+1 vote
asked Jul 21, 2021 by Lasala, Roselyn Joy (130 points)
#ifndef _Date_
#define _Date_

class Date
       short month, day, year;

       void init (void);
       void init ( int month, int day, int year);
       void print (void);

#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

void Date::init (void)
    struct tm*ptr;
    time_t sec;

     ptr = localtime (&sec);

     month = (short) ptr-> tm_mon +1;
     day = (short) ptr->tm_mday;
     year = (short) ptr-> tm_year + 2002;

     void Date::init (int m, int d, int y)
        month = (short) m;
        day = (short) d;
        year = (short) y;

    void Date::print (void)
       cout << month << '-' << day << '-' << year << endl;

#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
     Date today, birthay, aDate;

     birthday.init (12, 11, 2007);

     cout << "Today's date: ";

     cout << '\n Chris' birthday : ";

     cout << "------------------------\n"
             "Some testing outputs: " << endl;

     aDate = today;

      Date &holiday = aDate;
      holiday.init ( 1, 5, 2009);

  return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,740 points)

I do not see "No such file or directory" error. But I see other problems.

Problem #1 - typo

Date today, birthay, aDate;

missing a D from birthday.

Problem #2 - wrong string literal

cout << '\n Chris' birthday : ";

Strings should start with double quotes and end with double quotes. In your code you started with a single quote and ended with a double quote. That not correct.

Problem #3 - missing semicolon

In C/C++ (and many other languages) you must terminate your instructions with a semicolon (;)



I suggest using the constructor to set up your class, not additional "Init" functions:

class Date
    unsigned char month;
    unsigned char day;
    short year;

    Date(unsigned char month, unsigned char day, short year);
    void print() const;

Furthermore, you can store the month and day on just an unsigned char (1 byte) data structure each.

Last but not least printing the date can be a constant function as there's no need to change the instance while printing it.

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