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this is supposed to be a calculator using c++ but why does the calculations come out wrong?

+1 vote
asked Sep 11, 2021 by Ali Tarek (130 points)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
void PrintMessage (string Message)
    cout <<"****************************\n";
    cout << Message <<"\n";
    cout <<"****************************\n";

int main()
    cout <<"Welcome to the calculator!\n";
    char key = '`';
    while(key != 'x')
        int y =0 ;
        cout <<"Enter the number of integers you want to use.\n";
        cin >> y ;
        const int x = y;
        int GroupOfNumbers [x] , j = 1;
        long Sum =0;
        for (int i =0 ; i < x ; i++)
            cout <<"Enter integer NO." <<j <<"\n";
            cin >>GroupOfNumbers[i];
            char operator1 = 't';
            cout <<"Enter operator\n";
            cin >> operator1;
            switch (operator1)
             case '+':
               Sum = Sum + GroupOfNumbers[i];
             case '-':
                Sum = Sum - GroupOfNumbers[i];
             case '*':
                Sum = Sum * GroupOfNumbers[i];
             case '/':
                Sum = Sum / GroupOfNumbers[i];
                PrintMessage("Error \nPlease restart the program.");
        cout<<"Sum = " <<Sum <<"\n" ;
        PrintMessage("Press any key to continue or 'x' to exit");
        cin >> key ;
    return 0;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2021 by Peter Minarik (86,780 points)

You are working with binary operators: one operator needs two operands. E.g. 2 + 3 --> [operand] [operator] [operand]

On the other hand, your code (incorrectly) asks for an operator after every operand (number). 2 + 3 +. Your code applies the first operator to the first operand (number) and the existing Sum variable (which is initialized to 0).

One solution would be the following:

  1. After having the first number, you set Sum := firstNumber.
  2. When the used needs to provide n pieces of numbers, then you ask for n-1 pieces of operators, not asking for any more operators after the nth number.

Also, for input, you have a problem: reading a single character messes up the input stream buffer. Try the following instead:

#include <cstdio> // for sscanf
// ...
cin >> buffer;
char operator1;
sscanf(buffer.c_str(), "%c", &operator1);

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