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What do the color codes represent in the java gdb compiler?

0 votes
asked Feb 16, 2022 by Mr Wiston (120 points)
I'm looking for a guide on what each of the colors mean for the system. I want to know the differences on what some of the colors mean. For example I declared a variable with a double data type with double being lowercase which displayed in an orange color for lowercase double, but I got curious and capitalized Double and it was red and the compiler worked fine.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2022 by Peter Minarik (86,900 points)
I believe orange is for reserved symbols. These words are part of the language and you cannot redefine them (e.g. you cannot use the same name for your variables, functions and types).

Red is for known (common) symbols, that the OnlineGDB recognises. It's more like help for the users to read their code easier and spot any potential spelling errors before they'd even start to compile the code.
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